Examples of past TA include:
In-person site visits to learn how other states run an ECHO Autism
Support to attend virtual ECHO in Education Immersion Training
Autism in Black webinar, “The Black Side of Autism”
Training on how to use AMCHP’s Data Integration Toolkit
Mentorship/Site Visit project
AMCHP has funds to provide TA for states to receive mentorship from another state on replicating or adapting an effective practice to improve systems of care for children, youth and families with ASD/DD. States are asked to demonstrate their need for the specific TA, how it relates to their HRSA grant needs and/or objectives, and readiness and capacity to implement the practice.
Funds can be used to support travel to receive mentorship/TA (e.g. travel to the mentoring state or travel to bring a mentor to your state) as well as meeting or site visit supplies. Funds cannot be used to pay for salaried employees, equipment, software, conference or course registration, personnel or indirect expenses. Up to $1,500-$2,000 is available for each application. Learn more about requesting support for the Mentorship/Site Visit project

General Technical Assistance
SPHARC also accepts general TA requests from anyone working to improve systems of care for those with ASD/DD and their families. Any unused funds from the grantee-only Technical Assistance projects will be made available to fulfill these requests. AMCHP will process these requests in the order they are received. Learn more about requesting support for General Technical Assistance
Below are testimonials from people who have participated in SPHARC TA opportunities.
“I was inspired to do self-reflection to examine what I needed to know to understand the application of this powerful model more fully through my own lens.”
“This workshop brought a lot of awareness to a topic that deserves to be discussed more often.”
“I loved the information sharing. I feel like I learned so much about best practices in other states, and definitely feel like I’m going to “steal” ideas!”
“[I found most valuable] hearing from others with similar goals and missions; time to think about growth opportunities; learning about available resources through the network.”
“This program was very valuable. It allowed our team to practice using the technology that will be utilized for our own program. In addition, the ECHO team will provide ongoing support for our ECHO model.”